Are you dealing with a drooling and irritable infant at home? Your baby may be teething, which can be quite hectic for you as a parent. But don’t worry, because you’re not alone as every parent before you who had to deal with this challenging developmental stage.

And just like dealing with any situation, having the right knowledge is key. Here’s what to expect from a teething infant and some tips you can use to help calm your baby during this stage.

The Baby Teething Stage

Babies will start experiencing primary teeth eruption between 6–12 months of age, and you’ll notice teething signs as early as four months of age. Once the first tooth comes out, it would be the best time for your baby to see our dentists in Scottsdale, AZ.

Common Signs of Baby Teething

Teething signs will vary from infant to infant, but generally, they will experience at least one of these common signs:

  • Swelling, tenderness, or redness in the gums
  • Low temperature (less than 101° Fahrenheit)
  • Drooling
  • Uncontrolled chewing and biting
  • Constant crying and irritable behavior
  • Changes in sleeping or eating habits

If your baby experiences rashes, vomiting, or diarrhea, then your child may be dealing with something different (possibly an illness), and it would be best to see a doctor right away.

How to Soothe Your Baby during Teething

There are several things you can do to help soothe your baby during this uncomfortable time, and we’ll walk you through each one below. And don’t forget to take care of yourself. If ever you feel the need to get some time off, put your baby in a safe and comfortable place, like his crib, and take your leave. Ensure that the caretakers are aware to avoid shaking the baby to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS).

Apply Cold Compress

You can relieve gum pain in your baby by applying a cold compress to the area. You can use either a frozen teething ring, a wet washcloth, or a cold pacifier.

Administer Pain Relievers

Consult your doctor or dentist regarding using over-the-counter pain medication such as Tylenol® for your teething baby. Please make sure to follow the recommended dosage and period of administration.

Let the Baby Gnaw

Let your baby gnaw on safe items like clean toys or even your fingers. Gnawing helps reduce the pain while the teeth push through the gums.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Excess drool can lead to chapping in your baby’s mouth, so please make sure to keep the area clean and dry always to prevent additional discomfort in your child. And because they tend to chew everything they can get their hands on, ensure that the items you let them gnaw on are clean to prevent the spread of germs and disease. Consult your dentist if you observe any unusual oral symptoms.

Baby Teeth Eruption

Most of the time, your baby’s two frontal teeth at the bottom will come out first, followed by the two at the top. Then comes the primary teeth on either left or right side, followed by the molars and finally the canines. Later on, once your baby starts to lose baby teeth and grow adult teeth, they will lose in the same order.